|hanson sugar|

Please vote for hanson sugar at the hanson web awards, I would really appreciate it and I will be really happy if you take just a few seconds to do this small thing for me. You can vote for me in five categories. site of the year, best banner design, web users choice, most innovative design, and best website design. So please vote for hanson sugar.

Important Notice!

Hey, ya'll...this isn't Jaquelin, it's--well, I can't tell you that. Sorry. Not yet, at least. As some of you may have seen here, Jaquelin has decided to discontinue 'hanson sugar'. And, being such a fan of her site, I emailed Jaquelin and asked her if I could take over, and she agreed. So, here I am. 'The Mystery Person.' Yes, I own a Hanson site, and no, I won't tell you what it is...yet. But there's gonna be a HUGE surprise. Does that sound familiar? Hehe... You're probably wondering if I'm the owner of that site. Of course I am! Wait! No, I'm not! Hmmm...got bad short term memory. *LoL* Anyways, keep checking out that site, as well as this one! Then you'll figure out who I am. Send me an email here. And, no, the address doesn't give any clues as to what the surprise may be, so don't investigate it, or anything!


Welcome to hanson sugar- the themeless version... I tried the pretty in pastels, and I just didn't like it.. it lasted umm.. 2 days, and the thing just wasn't cool. I am keeping the font colors and link colors but all that pinkish purpleish bluish picture stuff just wasn't doing to well.

layout info.
I want you all to know that I am very confused right now. I don't know what to do with my site, my future, my obsessiveness for skipping school, and my life in general. My ex-boyfriend hit me, and I still love him and my whole life in screwed up to the point I am not thinking clearly. Please understand that even though I am not the worlds biggest hanson fan, far from it in fact, that I I do apprecaite them and their music and I hope the best for them, and the site will be kept up until I get sent to a mental place or something... J/K I will keep it up until I can no longer hold the stress... then I hope a responsible, creative fan will take over.

I have been getting tons of e-mails lately asking about how I do some things on my webpage, so I decided to create a page called what you want to know it has answers to some of the most frequelntly asked questions on my webpage, so I answered them for you. Need a custom graphic? well I re-opened my graphics shop so I will be making graphics for you again.. but not w/o some rules first!!!

Please take time to sign my guestbook, it will only take you about a minute in and a half... you will be loved forever if you do... : )
Sign the guestbook | view the guestbook

framed version

not seeing frames, even though you should? click here. Wanna bust outta these frames?
Please please join my webring.. 77th street- a hanson webring it will bring more visitors to your site and it will give you a pretty little graphics to stick on your site.. it means alot to me.. thanks.

If you hate tennies as much as I do join teenies suck a club where you can express your opinion on teenies, and you get a graphic to place on your site.. you can shrink it and shove it off in the corner if you would like, but I would love for you to join.

Please just thinking about adding hanson sugars banner to your site it will be graetly appreciated. Also please do not submit your site right now, I can't keep up with all the forms that come in daily.

Please take a few seconds to vote for my site at the places listed. I am not much for contests, but lately I have gotten into the voting fever, which is where you just enter your site into every imagineable contest out there!!!!

If you are lost, or don't know what some of these things onmy site are than you can take a site tour, the site tour has explanations of each thinf you can do on my site.

FastCounter by LinkExchange



.::Please read::.
FUBU- is here. Last updated: November 26, 1998. I guess it would ne nice, if I could touch your body, I know not everybody has a body like me. -Limp Bizkit, Faith. SKATEBOARDERS RULE!!! ..when someone you love hits you, what are you to do?..



Below is my sister sites, I had to many to tolerate making maps.. I think I'm up to 12, sisters and I still wouldn't mind more!!!!

hanson sugars sister sites

+1+ mmmbop.online
+2+ hitz fans online
+3+ hanson log house
+4+ hanson universe
+5+ Generation Hanson
+6+ Hanson Library
+7+ Hanson Magazine
+8+ Hanson Wonderland
+9+ Jessie & Lee's Hanson Page
+10+ ITZ. a hanson obsession
+11+ Faded notes of harmony
+12+ IT'Z Graphics

Brothers: ..none..

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Join HansonExchange, only for Hanson sites!

Didn't see the link to sign my guestbook before?

Sign the guestbook | view the guestbook -


most recent update: November 26, 1998
Hanson Sugar is copyrighted 1998 to Jaquelin all contents are owned by Jaquelin and should not be reproduced in anyway. Respect my copyright, please?
-this page is dedicated to nick- please read white.rose and you'll see why it is dedicated to him. Love you Nikki!!! J/K

Hanson Sugar is a framed website, you need MSIE 4.0+, high color, 800x600 screen resolution, and frame capability. Do you have netscape? Tell me how it looks there.

Please remember I am not affiliated with Hanson or Mercury records, I am merely a fan creating a hanson webpage, I make no profits off this site, nor am I trying to sell hanson products here, contests are hosted here but I am not affiliated with them. (e.g. Superteen.) Thanks!.

e-mail Jaquelin



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