Don't you dare touch that browser back button, you need to read this.
I'd hate to break it to ya all but this page is fully © 1998-1999 to Jaquelin. That means I made the graphics, I thought of the layout, and I created all the pages on this site. Don't you dare give me a dirty look.. this site was created for people to enjoy not to copy the source. I make no profit off this site and I don't want to. I am no way affiliated with hanson or mercury records. Hell, guys I haven't even been to a concert. Nothing can be altered, re-created in any way. I will not press charges if you dare to copy or steal graphics, I would be feeding you a line of bullshit if I said I was but I will be very pissed if one of my graphics ended up on your page.
The whole clicky-box idea was created by Sarah of Sarah's Hanson World and she gets all the credit for that, I only got the idea from there but I do give her credit for it. Please don't link my sounds to oyur site... most of them are uploaded into my files.
All sounds on page one are copyrighted to Kangarooland's Hanson Website and proper credit is given to Serena on that page.
If you have any comments/ideas/problems.thoughts etc... please feel free to contact me at and I will try to answer your questions or whatever it is you need to know.