Lately a lot of people have been e-mailing me asking me how I get the frames on my page, the text colors I sometimes use, the code for non-underlined links, the image maps.. how I make them and so on, so I decided to make a page witht he answers to your questions.. this page may become very large but I hope I can answer your questions.

Questions in blacks, answers in red

Q. How do you get non-underlined links?
A. by entering this:


Q. What is those two colors you use alot?
A. darkslateblue {this is darkslateblue} and a maroonish color {this is it} you enter this:

<body bgcolor=white text=darkslateblue link="990066" vlink="990066"> the "990066" is the code for the maroonish color.

Q. What is the code for the frames you are currently using?
A. It is listed below:
if you leave it all the same you should have no problems.

Q. How do you make image maps?
A. I really don't want to go into it so to get and explanation go here if you want me to make you one go here.

That's the most frequently asked ones right now so whenever I get a alot of the same ones I will stick them up here.