To start out your page you need to make the title of your page. The title of your page is what you see at the way top of your computer. [e.g. the title of my page is Starting out your page. Here is how you get them.

<HEAD><TITLE>title of your site</TITLE></HEAD>

To make your background, text, link, and visited link you use this:

<BODY BGCOLOR="the color you want" text="color you want" link="color you want" vlink="color you want">

If you want a wallpaper, you put this in, instead of the color code:

<BODY background="http://source of background">

If you want to insert a picture at the top of your page this is what you put:

<IMG SRC="http://source of picture">

To center all your stuff on your page you need to use this:

<P ALIGN="CENTER"> or <center> att he top and </center> at the bottom.

Okay links, if you just want a link w/o pictures linked you do this: [e.g. Hi, my name is Tiffani]

<A HREF="http://address you want">title of the page you are linking</A>

What if you want a button to link it? [e.g. the links on my page]

<A HREF="http://adrress you want"><IMG SRC="http://the source of the picture"></A>

To make a paragraph break insert this </P>

To just start a new sentence right below another sentence enter this <br>
