What is this teenies suck thing? Well, I know lots of other honest true hanson fans are sick or teenyboppers, I know I am, so I decided to create something that real fans can stick on their webpages to show how they feel about tennyboppers. A way to prevent teenism from spreading is to not be a teeny.

I know there a lot of other people who have done something to stop teenies, but I decided to make one to show that I am serious about stopping teenyboppers. You can shrink the banner, shove it back somewhere on your page or whatever, but please join this to show that you too are not fond of teenyboppers.

My strong dislike for teenyboppers is becasue I used to be one and I used to have millions of pictures of hanson on my walls, and I talked about them non-stop 24/freakin' 7, and I know that I was annoying so I stopped. If you are a tenny you can stop too.

So join this and you can show that you hate tennies too. Maybe you don't hate them but you just wish that they would SHUT UP I know how oyu feel. Tell your friend about the official teenies suck club. And beg them to join.