Please realize that to be a member you don't have to have a webpage, you can but don't have to.... Jeez guys i'm so glad you all are just so damn enthusiasctic to join.. *smiles* (please note that i say this in a sarcastic tone)

members: 5 (since 11-7-98)

name: angela
e-mail: e-mail
age: 15
comments: you have a great webpage, I really love it. Hanson is the bomb, they are the best band around. I am in the middle of building a webpage, it's not the best though. I love visiting websites so if you want tme to check yours out, e-mail me!

name: Samantha
e-mail: e-mail
age: 11
webpage url: website
comments: everybody please visit my webpage, and sign my guestbook. Hanson is the bomb, I love them so much, teenies suck forever! Great page Jaquelin, keep up the great work.

name: Ann
e-mail: e-mail
age: 17
webpage url: website
comments: hanson is the best.

name: Jaquelin
e-mail: e-mail
age: 14
webpage url: website
comments: everybody please join my club, go here to sign up for it.

name: Blair
e-mail: e-mail
age: 16
webpage url: website
comments: I am against teenies and I feel that they are some what of a threat to hanson.

click here to join