Forms are neat, they can be hassle when you receive them in your e-mail box though. Actually it depends on what mail program you have. They make your site look more professional, and can be entertaining.

What is a form?

Forms are something that you can enter your name, e-mail, and information w/o making the people at your page copy & paste the information that you want into an e-mail message. Although when you are applying for an award, the person receiving it can't just click on it cause it's not underlined in the message.

How to make forms

Now all you have to do is copy & paste the information from the pretty blue box. [you'll learn how to make those at the extras page]

<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="mailto:your e-mail address">

Now we are doing the box commonly used for your name and e-mail address.

To get those you put this information in:

<INPUT NAME="the question" SIZE=30>

You can make them smaller too, like a 5 is:

Remember change "the question" to the question that you want because if you don't, when you receive it you'll be confused about the question!

Okay, now text are boxes. They are used for when you are asking them to describe something or like why they deserve your award.

They look loke this:

And to get this, this is what you use:

<TEXTAREA NAME="the question" ROWS=5 COLS=40></TEXTAREA>

Now we are onto radio buttons, they are used when you want the person to have to pick between something, like a yes or a no and you don't want them to have to be able to select more than one.

This is what they look like:

And you get those with this code:

<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="the question" VALUE="a choice">

okay now we are onto checkboxes, checkboxes are used like when you want the person a=to check all that applies to them, like where they got their information a book, a magazine, T.V., a website etc.

Here is what they look like:

Here is how you get them:

<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="the question" VALUE="the choice">

Pop-up boxes, now right? These are really neat. They can be used to choose between stuff like radio boxes because you can only have one choice.

Here is an example of one:

What is your favorite T.V. show?

Here is how you get them:

<SELECT NAME="the question" SIZE="1">
<OPTION>a choice
<OPTION>a coice
<OPTION>a choice <OPTION>another choice
<OPTION>another choice
<OPTION>another choice
<OPTION>another choice
<OPTION>humm, another choice<br> </SELECT>

You can have as many choices as you want.

Time to send your form, you can't do that w/o the send and start over buttons! HEre is what the look like:

Kinda cool huh? HEre is how you get them:

<INPUT TYPE="sumit" VALUE="Send it!"> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Start Over!">

The buttons can say whatever, it doesn't matter

Finish off your form!!!

You can't have a form w/o this little information at the end: