Okay, so you've checked out the members already, filled out the form, and now oyu want to place the banner onto your webpage. Below is the code. Place it somewhere- anywhere on you page.

<center> <a href="https://members.tripod.com/~BlkbloodEnchantress/teeniessuck.html"> <img src="https://members.tripod.com/~BlkbloodEnchantress/suckteen.jpg" border="0" alt="teenies suck- what do you think?"></A></center>

it should look something like this:

teenies suck- what do you think?

Don't want a big ol' picture on your page? Place this code:

<font color=black>member of:</font color=black><a href="https://members.tripod.com/~BlkbloodEnchantress/teeniessuck.html"><font color="990066">teenies<font color=darkslateblue> suck!</font color=darkslateblue></a>

it should look like this:

member of:teenies suck!

thanks all!